CSC / Matera Announcement
- Posted by cscsygnum
- On February 1, 2018
- 0
Matera Technologies and CSC Sygnum, both manufacture representatives in the Canadian marketplace are pleased to announce that they are now operating as one company effective Jan 1, 2018 under the CSC Sygnum name and management.
The combination of CSC Sygnum and Matera Technologies unites two market leaders in the electronics industry who are now uniquely positioned to provide a broader and deeper range of products and services to meet customers needs. The acquisition will provide scale in addition to greater customer service and support.
Frank Sultana and Gerry Iuliano will continue to form the Leadership of the company.
The combined company will serve the Canadian marketplace from 5 major centers across Canada; Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal.
CSC Sygnum would like to welcome three new staff members to the CSC team. Mark Nelson in Calgary AB, Yves Caron in Montreal, QC and Ian Bryson in Toronto, ON.
This acquisition involves all the Matera Technologies Principle’s with the exception of: Alpha Wire/Coast (alphawire.com) and Switchcraft/Conxall (switchcraft.com). For information on Alphawire/Coast and Switchcraft/Conxall, please contact Bob Randal directly at Whitmar. brandall@whitmar.ca, 416-347-0384.
For any further questions or inquiries please contact either Gerry Iuliano or Frank Sultana.